
Configuring a Lava Application is quite straightforward. Below is a screenshot of the editing panel.

Below are the properties that are required:

  • Name - A friendly name for you to keep your applications organized

  • Description - To serve as a place for some documentation about your application.

  • Slug - Helps to tell HTMX what application to use (in the example above the application slug is 'group-toolbox'.

  • Configuration - The configuration rigging is an optional way for you to define variables for your application at a global level. You should provide JSON here that will be converted to a dynamic object for use in both your backend endpoint as well as your frontend Content blocks. This configuration rigging for an application is not meant to be a dynamic structure. If you need that we recommend that you use a Persisted Dataset.

Application Security

Like most entities in Rock, you should secure your applications. However, applications have a few additional security configuration options.

Security Verbs

Most entities in Rock come with the standard security verbs: View, Edit, and Administrate, which control access to editing the entity. Lava Applications include these verbs as well, adding layers of control over the application’s modifications.

Additionally, Lava Applications feature three unique security verbs:

  • Execute View

  • Execute Edit

  • Execute Administrate

These verbs allow you to set permissions that are verified when the endpoints are executed, giving you the flexibility to define what View, Edit, and Administrate mean within your application. For more details on how these verbs are used, refer to the Lava Endpoint documentation.

Enhanced Security Logic

By default, Rock grants View access to all entities. However, for Lava Applications, we've overridden this behavior to require you to configure the security settings according to your specific needs.

To prevent you from being locked out of your newly created applications, we've implemented a few new patterns for Lava Applications.

  1. We've added a new role called RSR - Lava Application Developers . We recommend that all individuals who will be authoring applications be a member of this group.

  2. When you add a new Lava Application members of both the RSR - Rock Administrators and RSR - Lava Application Developers roles will be given View, Edit and Administrate access to the application.

  3. No matter what permissions you provide for your application, members of RSR - Rock Administrators will always have View, Edit and Administrate access to the configuration of all Lava Applications.

Last updated