Customizing Rock

There are several levels of customization available for your Rock instance, described below in basic categories. While it might seem desirable to aim for the highest level, it's often better to aim lower. Each new level, while offering more power and capabilities, also introduces greater complexity and increased support costs. We advise staying as low on the pyramid as possible.

Lava Applications provide enhanced capabilities without necessitating a move to the highest level of customization.

A Step Too Far

As with many aspects of life, it's possible to take customization too far. Lava Applications are no exception. When developing with them, it's crucial to know when to start and when to stop. Often, opting for a custom solution developed specifically for you is the best course of action. Here are a few warning signs that you may be overextending with Lava Applications:

  • You're considering adding custom models to your application (don't).

  • Your application requires 50+ endpoints.

  • The development of your application feels overly complex and fragile.

Last updated